Friday, December 9, 2016

Channel 4 Surprise Squad gives woman car, insurance

The Channel 4 Surprise Squad and Wholesale Inc. Auto Group pulled off a big surprise for a local woman who suffered through abuse and extreme poverty but managed to keep her faith and reach out into her community to help others in worse shape.

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Miss Cleo needed several things, so Channel 4 and Wholesale Inc. Auto Group combined resources to help her. She needed a car, couldn’t afford to pay insurance and needed food for her pantry.

A dear friend of Miss Cleo told Channel 4 about the challenges Miss Cleo faces every day as she tries to take care of her children and grandchildren. Miss Cleo’s son suffers from a kidney condition, and she couldn’t even take him to his important medical appointments.

The surprise of Miss Cleo’s lifetime arrived on a recent fall afternoon. The Channel 4 Surprise Squad showed up at her home with some unexpected and much needed gifts.

Steve Brewster and Chad Montgomery from Wholesale Inc. Auto Group gave Miss Cleo a Toyota Camry filled with food and toys, and Channel 4 paid for a full year of car insurance.

Article Source: Channel 4 Surprise Squad gives woman car, insurance

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