Monday, December 19, 2016

If Stopped By The Police Follow These Rules

If you have been pulled over by the police there is a good chance you have done something wrong. In order to prevent a bad situation from getting even worse there are certain recommended steps you should follow. The following article offers some great advice…

5 things you should never do if stopped by the police

When you are driving, you never want to see the flashing lights of a police car in your rearview mirror; however, it is something almost every driver experiences. Even if you’re sure you did nothing wrong, the event is likely to cause your heart to race and your blood pressure to rise. Traffic stops can also be nerve-wracking for police. A rash of police shootings nationwide have officers on edge and many simple traffic stops have escalated into situations where police or motorists have been injured or killed. If you end up in a situation where you see the blue lights behind you, here are some things you should never do after you pull over. Of course, no matter what you do, you might still be cited or even arrested. If that happens, you should consult with an experienced attorney who can help protect your rights. Don’t make suspicious moves Don’t argue Don’t leave the car unless asked Don’t volunteer Never agree to a search

Read the rest of the article here: 5 things you should never do if stopped by the police |

The tips above should help to minimize the chances of a small incident or ticket turning into an even bigger problem. It is important to treat officers with respect for a variety or reasons. One of those reasons is to minimize the chances of being issued a costly speeding ticket. The cost of a ticket goes well beyond just the cost of the fine. You can also expect to see your Michigan car insurance go up. If you get multiple tickets or a major violation you could also be considered a high risk driver and be forced to purchase Michigan high risk car insurance.

In this next article the author discusses the impact that tickets can have on your car insurance.

Speeding Ticket and Car Insurance – How DUI Affects Insurance Costs

Here’s how much that ticket will hurt your insurance costs.

You probably don’t want to get pulled over no matter where you are, but in some states, you really, really don’t want a ticket. That’s because your car insurance payment could increase dramatically in certain states after you get a DUI or a speeding ticket, sometimes by over 300 percent.

Personal finance site NerdWallet analyzed the average rate increases for speeding tickets and DUIs by state, and built a helpful state-by-state interactive map of results. On average, NerdWallet found that a DUI results in a 62-percent cost increase nationwide, while a speeding ticket only nets a 14-percent increase.

The lesson here is immediately crystal clear: You should never, ever drive under the influence, and it’s best to save your speed-demon tendencies for the race track. Ultimately, cabs and track days will save you a ton of money—both on a one-time ticket and on the insurance premiums that result from it.

Read the rest of the article here: Speeding Ticket

The next time you get pulled over remember to follow the steps mentioned in the article above. Better yet don’t get pulled over to begin with. Michigan auto insurance rates are already high compared to the rest of the nation. Don’t give the auto insurance companies yet another reason to increase your rate.

The post If Stopped By The Police Follow These Rules appeared first on Express Auto Insurance.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

What Is Michigan SR22 Insurance?

SR-22s (often called “Michigan SR22 insurance“) are often needed for people who’ve had their permits stopped because of driving without insurance, DUIs, or other serious violations.
Since SR-22s (and the similar FR-44) could be puzzling, we’ve provided answers to some of the very commonly requested issues relating to this financial responsibility requirement.

What’s an SR-22?

An SR-22 is a document of economic responsibility that assures that you’re meeting your state’s vehicle insurance requirements. You are generally required to maintain an sr22 for a specific amount of time… 3 years is pretty common.

Who needs an SR-22?
You may need an sr22 if:

– You’re convicted of a DUI/DWI.
– You are discovered to be operating while uninsured.
– You’re associated with a critical injury-causing accident.
– You have a sizable number of details on your driving record.

Frequently, an SR-22 is required for reinstatement of a halted or revoked license. Your state’s Department of Insurance may advise you if you need to file an SR-22.

Is an SR-22 a kind of car insurance?
SR-22s tend to be referred to as “SR22 insurance.” However, this can be a tiny misnomer, since they are certainly not a kind of insurance. SR-22 is more effectively described as a type of proof insurance.

Just how do I get an SR-22?
Since SR-22s are generally related to critical violations, purchasing and filing an SR-22 is not as easy as sending a standard evidence of car insurance to your DMV.
You’ll first have to contact your vehicle insurance company to inform them of your need for an SR-22 certificate of economic responsibility. Note that an SR-22 necessity will typically change your insurance rates and you will reclassified as a high risk driver. If you current auto insurance company doesn’t offer sr22 insurance you may need to shop around or call an agency like ours.

Once you have found a company to insure you, you will need to make sure your sr22 is filed with the correct government department. You cannot file an SR-22 on your own.
An SR-22 is meant to be licensed evidence that you have an active auto insurance policy that meets the state’s requirements.  To guarantee authenticity, the SR-22 must come straight from the vehicle insurance provider.

Ready for a FREE Michigan SR22 Insurance Quote? Call (586) 789-9722

The post What Is Michigan SR22 Insurance? appeared first on Express Auto Insurance.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Michigan lets autonomous cars on roads without human driver

This is an interesting article that I discovered on Fox News. Michigan seems ready to start embracing driverless cars. The world is moving rapidly and I’m curious to see how this will all work out!

Companies can now test self-driving cars on Michigan public roads without a driver or steering wheel under new laws that could push the state to the forefront of autonomous vehicle development.

The package of bills signed into law Friday comes with few specific state regulations and leaves many decisions up to automakers and companies like Google and Uber.

It also allows automakers and tech companies to run autonomous taxi services and permits test parades of self-driving tractor-trailers as long as humans are in each truck. And they allow the sale of self-driving vehicles to the public once they are tested and certified, according to the state.

The bills allow testing without burdensome regulations so the industry can move forward with potential life-saving technology, said Gov. Rick Snyder, who signed the bills. “It makes Michigan a place where particularly for the auto industry it’s a good place to do work,” he said.

The bills give Michigan the potential to be a leader by giving the companies more autonomy than say, California, which now requires human backup drivers in case something goes awry.

Here are answers to some questions about the laws:

Q: Companies are making a lot of the decisions in putting the cars on public roads. Why does the state think they’ll be safe?

A: Michigan Transportation Director Kirk Steudle says the laws put Michigan ahead of most other states with the possible exception of Florida in specifically allowing tests without a human driver. Companies, he said, will make the decision as to when the cars are ready for that, based on more than a century of experience of testing cars on public roads. Automakers have a long history of testing cars on public roads in Michigan with few, if any, incidents, Steudle says. The cars also have to comply with federal safety standards and may have to be certified as roadworthy by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration if proposed federal guidelines are adopted. “I don’t want to regulate the vehicles. There is nobody in state government that has any knowledge to be able to say that vehicle is ready to go on the road,” Steudle said. If the vehicles crash, Steudle says they would be governed by Michigan’s no-fault insurance laws that require each driver’s insurance to pay for damage. The companies also could be sued under product liability laws, he says. The self-driving laws also allow only reputable companies such as automakers and tech companies to do tests, Steudle says. “These are responsible parties,” says Snyder.

Q: Does this put the state ahead in allowing self-driving vehicles on public roads?

A: Michigan Transportation Director Kirk Steudle says the laws put Michigan ahead of most other states with the possible exception of Florida in specifically allowing tests without a human driver. Companies, he said, will make the decision as to when the cars are ready for that, based on more than a century of experience of testing cars on public roads. Steudle says yes because the laws specifically authorize use without human drivers. He also says Michigan has an advantage over Florida and warm-weather states because companies can test in snow. But Bryant Walker Smith, a law professor at the University of South Carolina who tracks the technology, says Florida has almost no restrictions. Other states, he said, don’t expressly prohibit such testing and have agreements with individual companies to do it. Michigan’s laws also make defining who is a driver ambiguous, he said. Drivers could be companies running autonomous taxi services, engineers who start autonomous vehicles, passengers who ride in the cars and the automated systems themselves, he said.

Q: Unlike California, Michigan isn’t tracking autonomous car crashes. How will the state spot problems?

A: Police will investigate any crashes and presumably would report any trends to the state, which could suspend a company’s manufacturer license plates and end the tests, Steudle says. He concedes that there will be crashes and probably a fatality involving autonomous cars. But the technology can eliminate human errors that cause 94 percent of crashes and cut the 100 highway deaths in the U.S. every day, he said. “It’s a risk worth taking because the future of the technologies we know are going to help reduce those crashes and reduce those fatalities,” Steudle said.

Article Source: Michigan lets autonomous cars on roads without human driver | Fox News

So what are your thoughts? Do you think we are headed in the right direction. I guess only time will tell, but I personally find it quite exciting.

The post Michigan lets autonomous cars on roads without human driver appeared first on Express Auto Insurance.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Channel 4 Surprise Squad gives woman car, insurance

The Channel 4 Surprise Squad and Wholesale Inc. Auto Group pulled off a big surprise for a local woman who suffered through abuse and extreme poverty but managed to keep her faith and reach out into her community to help others in worse shape.

Watch video:

Miss Cleo needed several things, so Channel 4 and Wholesale Inc. Auto Group combined resources to help her. She needed a car, couldn’t afford to pay insurance and needed food for her pantry.

A dear friend of Miss Cleo told Channel 4 about the challenges Miss Cleo faces every day as she tries to take care of her children and grandchildren. Miss Cleo’s son suffers from a kidney condition, and she couldn’t even take him to his important medical appointments.

The surprise of Miss Cleo’s lifetime arrived on a recent fall afternoon. The Channel 4 Surprise Squad showed up at her home with some unexpected and much needed gifts.

Steve Brewster and Chad Montgomery from Wholesale Inc. Auto Group gave Miss Cleo a Toyota Camry filled with food and toys, and Channel 4 paid for a full year of car insurance.

Article Source: Channel 4 Surprise Squad gives woman car, insurance